A Guide to CBD and Healthy Skin

A Guide to CBD and Healthy Skin

Unlock the secrets of CBD for radiant, healthy skin in our comprehensive guide.

CBD in skincare products has been gaining traction, but how does it work? Which product should you choose? What skin ailments can it help alleviate? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered if you’re interested in learning more about CBD when it comes to your skin, and how you can incorporate it into your daily skincare routine.

How does CBD benefit my skin?

By moisturizing your skin externally with CBD-based topicals or internally by ingesting CBD gummies or oil, you’re tapping into its anti-inflammatory properties, which can be very effective for ailments such as psoriasis and eczema. It can also help reduce redness, soothe irritation and help fade blemishes.

CBD also helps reduce sebum production, which can come in handy for those with acne-prone or oily skin. With regular use of these products, you can keep your skin looking fresh and healthy when you need it the most! As always, it’s recommended to consult a doctor before trying any new product. 

How do I take CBD for my skin?

There are a few different ways you can take CBD for your skin. If you’re treating an inflammatory skin condition like eczema, one or two drops of the best CBD can be rubbed onto each of your hands every night before bed. This can help reduce redness and swelling associated with certain skin conditions. The oil will absorb quickly through your fingers, allowing you to breathe easily as soon as you lay down.

If taking CBD orally isn’t possible due to taste or other issues (like irritation from another supplement), try another method like rubbing it on topically at bedtime. Your body processes CBD more slowly when applied topically rather than internally, so it won’t get your heart rate racing in the middle of a good night’s sleep. You can also apply full-spectrum salve to your skin after bath time; not only does it moisturize dry patches and chapped lips, but some claim its application helps soothe sore muscles.

Are there any side effects?

With these alternative treatments, you’ll want to consider both pros and cons. Like anything else, CBD oil can have side effects. Some users report headaches, anxiety, nausea, or diarrhea when taking a high dose of THC-rich products. It’s best to consult your doctor before attempting any new treatment or supplement, especially if you take other medications regularly.

Always pay attention to how you feel and make sure that CBD is compatible with your skin type (and lifestyle). For example, if you have sensitive skin that easily bruises or are allergic to many beauty products, CBD may not be ideal for use on your face. Use caution when choosing topical oils (like hemp seed oil) because some forms are too abrasive for bare skin (or combinations of skin types). Know yourself as well as possible when deciding which way is right for you!

How can I find a brand I can trust?

How do you know which products are right for you once you’ve decided that CBD can play a positive role in your skin-care routine? Now countless brands of topical creams, lotions, oils, serums, and salves are available. Still, as with any product containing cannabinoid compounds like THC or CBD, it’s important to choose wisely.

Look for brands that explicitly offer hemp oil made from agricultural hemp grown in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, especially if you’re looking for cannabidiol (CBD). Also, consider using only products derived from organic, non-GMO plants when possible. Read ingredient lists and third-party lab reports carefully; rather than skipping over unknown words completely, focus on learning about potential triggers and irritants related to your specific skin concerns before making a purchase decision. Of course, consult your doctor for expert advice on what will work best for your body's specific needs.